Theca Box Diaphragm Series
Diaphragm capsule or diaphragm are used to convert the pressures acted thereon or differential pressures into central displacements or concentrated force of diaphragm capsule or diaphragm, or as the separating unit between the instrument and measured medium, for the purpose to protect the instrument and ensure the measuring accuracy. It owns such advantages as simplicity in structure, reliability in performance, and large measuring range, and widely used in such fields as automatic measuring instruments and meters, aviation, space flight, navigation, petroleum, chemical industry, and meteorology.
型號表示 Model designations
膜盒主要技術參數 Theca box principal technical parameters
膜片主要技術參數 Diaphragm principal technical parameters
訂貨須知 Ordering instructions
Ordering instructions: The product computer code ,types, names, accuracy grades, and measuring ranges .must be clearly noted. In case of special requirements, technical requirements shall be clearly noted specifications on the back of the order on ordering goods.