Solid vacuum packaging machine, packaging machinery in the category of machinery manufacturing, machinery manufacturing sector is a branch of emerging, vacuum packaging machine is the most popular, the most widely used packaging machinery of mechanical equipment. As automatic mechanical derivative of a major categories, with automatic machinery general commonness, namely in the manufacturing material, processing technology, the basic institutions of standardization, generalization, and so on aspects of design principle, components are the same. But as a new machinery manufacturing industry, it also has its own features:
1, a wide range of different functions, updates faster. According to super paramagnetic solid vacuum packaging machine, vacuum packing machine varieties in the world has reached about 2000 species, that doesn't include some auxiliary machinery and packaging materials, packaging containers, plus two machines. Increased from time to time, along with the social product packaging materials and packaging of the soil transformation, packaging machinery of silence Hector will fail to update, and to a higher technical level.
2, institutional complex, want to water action accurate, process, speed, and the influence of the structure performance because of too much, (the size of the packaged items, appearance, quality, and the member of the packaging materials and containers, packing process, etc.) for the design, manufacture pleaded with high, such as: accuracy, stiffness and frictional resistance ensemble, etc.
3, the rapid application of new technology. The development and application of modern technology, such as photoelectric technology, computer technology, general use mu yan board laser, heat pipe "optical fiber, ray and graphics recognition application of a new technology, new process, is also on the agenda.