億沃Yiworld™系列環(huán)保煙霧凈化設備專門針對焊錫浸錫沾錫、波峰焊回流爐、激光加工、實驗室等各種煙霧、粉塵、微粒、氣味的過濾凈化。本機特點有吸力大、耗電低、過濾效率高、操作簡單、移動靈活等特點,產(chǎn)品已被國內(nèi)外眾多企業(yè)所采用?!尽?br />This test distinctly shows the importance of using a fume extraction system, even when soldering only once in a while or for just a few hours a day. The captured particles are primarily condensed residues from flux. Without a filter system these particles ill be partly inhaled the operator with the remainder spread over the work object and workplace. In contrast, a proper filter system will eliminate not only the particles, but will also catch and eliminate dangerous gases created in the soldering process.產(chǎn)品特點: ●箱式設計,體積小巧,移動靈活,安裝簡便,占用空間小 ●進口無刷馬達,質量穩(wěn),壽命長,吸力更強勁,風量大小可調(diào) ●三重過濾設計,過濾效率更高,單獨更換過濾芯,使用成本更低 ●多工位設計,吸煙臂360°自由定型 ●方便配合各種生產(chǎn)線、流水線作業(yè) ●*設計,無噪音污染 適用場合: Ο烙鐵焊錫、錫爐沾錫 Ο波峰焊、回流爐 ◎激光焊接、雕刻、打標、切割 ◎打磨、拋光、印刷 ◎化學實驗室 ※咨詢:Mob:謝生※
Industrial lasers can also generate harmful fumes when used on
different types of materials in the manufacturing process. These fumes
are known collectively as Laser Generated Air Contaminants (LGACs).
LGACs fall into two categories: particles and gases
OCCUPATIONAL ASTHMA “Occupational Asthma is a disease characterized by variable air flow
limitation and/or airway hyper-responsiveness due to causes and
conditions attributable to a particular occupational environment and
not to stimuli encountered outside the workplace.” (Bernstein et al
1993) Fumes and gases in industrial areas are often dangerous to the people
working in those areas. Some of these substances are readily visible
or have a distinct odor; others are invisible and odorless. Many are
toxic and can lead to allergic reactions, sometimes progressing to
occupational asthma.
Occupational asthma is a major issue in electronics manufacturing
because when a worker develops occupational asthma, they must be
removed from the working area, sometimes permanently. In some
countries, cases of occupational asthma due to flux fumes and/or
isocyanates have already lead to legal claims against employers.
Occupational asthma is often indicated by symptoms common to 'hay
fever' – an itchy, blocked, or runny nose, often accompanied by
sneezing and glazed, itchy, or watering eyes. LEAD-FREE SOLDER
The transition to lead-free soldering has reduced strain on the
environment, but for the operator, the hand soldering process has
become more dangerous. The lead in the solder is gone, but to get the
solder wire to flow properly, substantially more flux must be used.
The temperature needed to create a good solder joint using lead-free
solder is also higher, causing a stronger reaction within the flux and
creating more solder smoke with a greater number of particles. Lead-
free soldering produces up to 250 % more particles between 0.5 and 1.0
microns in diameter, the size that is the most dangerous to inhale. In
addition to particles, solder smoke can contain isocyanates,
aldehydes, and other unhealthy substances.
Lead-free soldering causes up to 250 % more particles in the breathing
zone … roughly 20 million particles between 0.3 and 1.0 microns in
diameter per cubic foot, or about 700 million particles per cubic
How particles of different size get caught in different parts of the
human respiratory system: Health prob焊錫吸煙儀上海箱式焊接煙霧過濾器 廣州管道錫爐空氣凈化機 中山單機激光廢氣處理裝置 順德 工業(yè) 烙鐵 煙塵吸附機器 青島 工廠 焊臺抽煙設備 大連 進口 波峰焊煙霧處理 寧波 國產(chǎn) 回流爐煙霧凈化煙霧過濾機煙霧循環(huán)凈化設備循環(huán)煙霧過濾器機器
lems that are related to particles and gases in the electronics
industry: Nosebleeds - Early indication, very common in the electronics industry. Respiratory problems - Worsening of existing asthmatic conditions - Occupational Asthma - Irritation of the eyes and upper respiratory tract Early symptoms are: * Watery eyes * Runny or blocked nose * Sore throat * Coughing * Wheezing or breathing difficulties AIRBORNE PARTICLE DEMONSTRATION 90 MINUTES OF LEAD-FREE SOLDERING
The following shows exactly what an operator could possibly breathe in
during 90 minutes of lead-free soldering.
Standard lead-free 3% type ROL1 no-clean flux solder wire was melted
continuously with a standard iron. The suction nozzle of a high
efficiency fume extraction system was positioned near the tip of the
iron. Just 90 minutes later, a nozzle-mounted net had captured a
substantial amount of particulates.
焊錫吸煙儀上海箱式焊接煙霧過濾器 廣州管道錫爐空氣凈化機 中山單機激光廢氣處理裝置 順德 工業(yè) 烙鐵 煙塵吸附機器 青島 工廠 焊臺抽煙設備 大連 進口 波峰焊煙霧處理 寧波 國產(chǎn) 回流爐煙霧凈化煙霧過濾機煙霧循環(huán)凈化設備循環(huán)煙霧過濾器機器 Back to top
Respirable particles – Many particulate LGACs are very small
(generally less than 1 micron in diameter), so they can be easily
Toxic particles – Some particulate LGACs may cause allergic,
carcinogenic or toxic effects, such as the chrome and nickel
particles produced when working with lasers on stainless steel. Back to top
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are often produced when working with
lasers on plastics.
Many VOCs already have Workplace Exposure Limits in place according to
COSHH (control of substances hazardous to health). Back to top
Workers exposed to organic solvents for an extended time period incur
increased risk of the following health issues:
Chronic damage to the nervous system, which can result in
concentration and memory impairment, personality changes, and
permanent tiredness.
Reduced sensitivity to touch
Restless arm/leg syndrome
Skin dryness and irritation; non-allergic eczema
SOLVENT OVERVIEW, TYPES, AND FAQs Overview Few workers understand the risks of exposure to solvents, yet many are
exposed to them on a daily basis. Everyone working in an industrial
environment comes into contact with chemicals that contain solvents.
How dangerous the chemicals containing the solvents are depends on the
properties of the substances and the precautions taken when handling
Organic solvents are absorbed primarily through the mucous membranes
(total area: 80-200 m²), but some can also be absorbed through the
skin (total area approximay 2 m²) or digestive system (total area
approximay 10 m²).
There is a noticeable trend of people becoming more sensitive to
allergic materials, such as airborne particles and solvents, in
industrialized societies. This indicates a need for improved
extraction equipment and precautions. Types Isocyanates Isocyanates is the name of a large family of substances
such as TDI (toluene-2,4-diisocyanate), MDI (diphenyl-methane
diisocyanate), and HDI (hexa-methylene diisocyanate) used extensively
in industrial workplaces. There are a large number of different
isocyanates with different characteristics, but common to all of them
is that they cause health problems, especially when inhaled. One of
the largest areas of use for isocyanates is in the manufacture of
polyurethane plastics (PUR). PUR appears as a soft compact foam and is
found in coatings and other chemical products. Approximay 5 % of
all plastics used are currently PUR and its usage is increasing.
However, during the polymerizing and heating of PUR, a number of
isocyanate combinations are formed. When heating phenyl formaldehyde
resin, methyl isocyanates are formed. Isocyanates can easily be absorbed through the skin and through the
mucous membranes. In contact with water they form amines that will
stay in the blood for a long time. Isocyanates are also found in
polyurethane materials (coatings), glues, and varnishes.
Isocyanates cause health hazards – especially when inhaled in the
form of gas, steam, dust, or aerosol droplets. Inhalation can cause
irritation in eyes, mucous membranes, and respiratory system with
symptoms resembling asthma or bronchitis and decreased lung function.
The risk of hypersensitivity is high.
Isocyanates can also cause skin irritation. Repeated contact can cause
eczema, and in some cases, skin allergy. Isocyanates have a very low
limit value … so low that you may be exposed to dangerous
concentrations without noticing, as isocyanates are invisible and
odorless at low levels. An allergic person can develop problems even
when exposed to concentrations below the hygienic limit value.
Recently, new health hazards have been discovered with certain PUR
coatings and some PUR glues used in the manufacture and repair of
printed circuit boards. The same risks occur when working with coated
optical cables that contain small amounts of PUR and coated wire. When
these materials are heated, isocyanates are formed in such high
concentrates that it can cause asthma. It is believed that the thermal
segregation starts at 150-200°C. There are also strong reasons to
suspect that isocyanates can be formed when heating resin products
like fluxing materials.
Alcohols Inhalation or skin contact with alcohols such as methanol,
ethanol, or isopropanol can cause dizziness, headache, disturbed
vision, or fainting. Absorption over a longer period can permanently
damage the eyesight of the victim. 焊錫吸煙儀上海箱式焊接煙霧過濾器 廣州管道錫爐空氣凈化機 中山單機激光廢氣處理裝置 順德 工業(yè) 烙鐵 煙塵吸附機器 青島 工廠 焊臺抽煙設備 大連 進口 波峰焊煙霧處理 寧波 國產(chǎn) 回流爐煙霧凈化煙霧過濾機煙霧循環(huán)凈化設備循環(huán)煙霧過濾器機器 Aldehydes Aldehyde solvents such as formaldehyde and acetaldehyde are
transformed when heat is applied to them, resulting in fumes that have
an irritating effect on the eyes and respiratory organs. Inhalation
can induce headache, dizziness, and fainting in severe cases.
Esters (acetates) Esters such as ethyl acetate and dioctyl phthalate
are often used as solvents and dissolvents in the manufacture of
paints, plastics, and synthetic fibers. Like most solvents, they cause
irritation of the respiratory passages, but long term exposure causes
kidney and liver damage.
There are many other solvents in common use, including ketones,
mercaptans, organic acids, and ethers, all of which have an effect on
the human body, primarily on the respiratory system. Skin contact
(splashes) resulting in eczema is a secondary, but fairly common
Why are solvents dangerous? Can the body break down solvents? Are all solvents equally dangerous? What parts of the body do solvents harm? Is the damage done by solvents permanent?
Q:Why are solvents dangerous?
A: Solvents dissolve fat. The easier they dissolve fat, the easier
they are absorbed by the body and the greater their capacity for doing
damage. The ability to dissolve fat is partly the reason why solvents
are used, and is one of the main reasons why they are so dangerous if
they get into your body. The cells of the brain contain a high degree of fat. Since the brainworks like a sponge in absorbing solvents, this puts the nervoussystem at great risk.Q:Can the body break down solvents?A:Yes, the liver can break down many of the solvents. Butunfortunay, the chemicals formed when these substances are brokenown can be even more dangerous than the original solvents. It can take a long time for your body to break down solvents – solong, in fact, that the body cannot get rid of everything during thenight or even over the weekend. This is very serious because it meansthat solvents can accumulate in your body, sometimes causingirreversible damage.Q:Are all solvents equally dangerous?A: No, some are safer than others. Also, the body absorbs some moreslowly than others. If you have a choice of solvents, use one thatcauses as little harm as possible and is absorbed very slowly.Q:What parts of the body do solvents harm?A:That Polyurethane glues – Polyurethane glues contain isocyanates that arereleased during application. Isocyanates can causeAsthma Hyper-sensitivity to isocyanates Breathing problems when exposed to other fumes (perfumes, motorvehicle exhaust, tobacco smoke, etc.) Irritation of skin and eyes Reduced lung capacity Acrylate glues – Acrylate glues contain high concentrations ofacrylate, methacrylate or cyanoacrylate esters that can cause contactallergies. Epoxy glues – Epoxies can cause:Skin irritation Allergic contact eczema 焊錫吸煙儀上海箱式焊接煙霧過濾器 廣州管道錫爐空氣凈化機 中山單機激光廢氣處理裝置 順德 工業(yè) 烙鐵 煙塵吸附機器 青島 工廠 焊臺抽煙設備 大連 進口 波峰焊煙霧處理 寧波 國產(chǎn) 回流爐煙霧凈化煙霧過濾機煙霧循環(huán)凈化設備循環(huán)煙霧過濾器機器 Silicone glues – Residue products of silicone glues include oximes,alcohols (alcoxy “methanol”, methoxy), and acetone. These volatileby-products can cause:cancer Skin allergies Serious eye damage on contact Acetone glues – Acetone glues can causeEye irritation Dry skin Blisters Tiredness (from fume inhalation) Methanol glues – Methanol glues are very hazardous, even with minimalexposure. They can cause poisoning through contact, ingestion, or fumeinhalation.