點擊次數(shù):1062 發(fā)布時間:2014-2-11
在本項研究中,浙江大學生命科學學院章曉波教授課題組對對蝦體內的白斑綜合癥病毒(WSSV)編碼的miRNA進行了表征分析,揭示了病毒miRNA調控宿主抗病毒的機制*,相關研究成果發(fā)表在12月刊的Journal of Virology。
研究人員采用高通量測序技術對WSSV侵染的對蝦(Marsupenaeus japonicus)小RNA組進行分析(小RNA測序由聯(lián)川生物提供技術服務),并結合先前的研究數(shù)據(jù),共鑒定出89個假定的WSSV miRNA。
利用μParaflo®微流體定制miRNA芯片分析(定制miRNA芯片合成檢測由聯(lián)川生物提供技術服務)和Northern雜交驗證揭示出病毒miRNA的表達在對蝦體內具有組織特異性。進一步實驗表明,病毒miRNA WSSV-miR-N24可以靶向調控對蝦的caspase 8基因,從而抑制對蝦體內血細胞的凋亡。此項研究報道了病毒miRNA在體內調控宿主抗病毒細胞凋亡的分子機制。
Involvement of viral miRNA in the regulation of antiviral apoptosis in shrimp
Tianzhi Huang, Yalei Cui and Xiaobo Zhang
Viruses, in particular DNA viruses, generate their microRNAs (miRNAs) to control expressions of host and viral genes. Due to their essential roles in virus-host interactions, viral miRNAs have attracted extensive investigations in recent years. Up to date, however, most studies on viral miRNAs are conducted in cell lines. In this study, the viral miRNAs from white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) were characterized in shrimp in vivo. On the basis of our previous study and small RNA sequencing in this study, a total of 89 putative WSSV miRNAs were identified. As revealed by miRNA microarray analysis and Northern blots, the expressions of viral miRNAs were tissue-specific in vivo. The results indicated that the viral miRNA WSSV-miR-N24 could target the shrimp caspase 8 gene, and further repressed the apoptosis of shrimp hemocytes in vivo. As a result, the WSSV copies in shrimp in vivo were significantly increased compared with the control (WSSV only). Therefore, our study presented the first report on the in vivomolecular events of viral miRNA in the antiviral apoptosis.