鍋爐出力: 4~90t/h ( 2.8MW ~ 64MW )
燃料熱值范圍: 1500- -5500Kcal/kg
爐膛溫度: 850~ 900C

Circulating fluidized bed technology is a new and clean combustion technology with high eficiency and less pllution. It can reduce NOx emission; improve desulfrzation rate and combustion eficiency by repeated recycling and bumning, chemical reaction of fuel and desulfurizing agent.
Our product has high thermal eficiency, low emission, wide fuel adaptability, and reliable operation etc.. Low efficiency,serious pollution caused by chain grate boilers, and expensive cost caused by high height of vertical CFB boiler all have been overcome by horizontal circulating fluidized bed technology.
The Main Parameters
Boiler type: CFB Boiler
Boiler capacity: 4~ 90th (2.8MW ~ 64MW)
Thermal Efficiency:≥88%
Fuel: Bituminous coal, anthracite, lignite, lean coal, coal gangue, high-sulfur coal, oil shale, biomass, residues etc.
Fuel heat value range: 1500-5500Kcal/kg
Furnace temperature: 850~ ~ 900C
Furmnace structure: Membrane wall
Heat transfer medium: Water、 Heat-conducting oil
Desulfurization method: Adding limestone to the furmace
Nox treatment: Low temperature staged combustion

Advantages of CFB Boiler
◆High heat eficiency, remarkable energy saving efeet and lower operation cost.
◆Lower pollutants emission and environment friendly.
◆Wide fuel adaptability, including various coals, oil shale, solid waste,rice husk, wood chip and other biomass,or the above mixture.
◆Membrane wall structure,good sealing and insulation, short insallation
time and low installation cost.
◆Compact structure and minimal space required.
◆Stable operation and low failure rate
◆Easy operation and low labor cost